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While various components involve different & multiple skill sets, a structured curriculum will allow students to internalize the relevant techniques and apply them with ease, accuracy and confidence.
When it comes to areas like Oral and Composition Writing, such concise plan allows students to be exposed to a variety of common themes, thus ensuring that they are comfortable and full of ideas when discussing & narrating about these topics.
* Each week's lesson focus will be on a specific area, namely "火眼金睛" (reading comprehension), "妙笔生花" (composition writing)and "慧心妙舌" (passage reading and oral conversation).
Emphasis on:
Reading & comprehension skills 阅读、理解能力
Analytical skills 分析、判断能力
Written expression skills 写作表达能力
Components covered:
试卷二 阅读理解一 (5 题 10 分)
试卷二 阅读理解二 A组 (4 题 10 分)
试卷二 阅读理解二 B组 (7 题 22 分)
*HCL组 外加 -->
试卷二 阅读理解一 (6 题 16 分)
试卷二 阅读理解二 (7 题 24 分)
Emphasis on:
Observation skills 观察能力
Analytical skills 分析、判断能力
Written expression skills 写作表达能力
Components covered:
试卷一 写作 (40 分)
*HCL组 外加 -->
历届会考作文题目 (华文及高级华文)(click on icon to open/download)
(click on icon to open/download)
Emphasis on:
Observation skills 观察能力
Analytical skills 分析、判断能力
Verbal expression skills 口语表达能力
Components covered:
试卷三 口试 (50 分)
历届口试篇章 2002-2018
(click on icon to open/download)
(click on icon to open/download)
历届口试课题 2002-2020
(click on icon to open/download)